Sunday, October 24, 2010

Snoose Commission

Snoose Commision 24"X36"

Here is the reason I haven't posted anything but sketchbook stuff in a while. I've been working at least five hours a day on this guy, for three weeks...(planning, sketching, etc...) I've finally come to the point where I don't know what the heck else to do with it. I'm always amused by commissions, because they are never how I would choose to paint something. It always seems to be the classic, pose for the camera thing, which I'm personally not fond of, but whatever...So, I'm not really satisfied, which is nothing unusual for me when I finish a painting anyways.  She wants him to look happy...he's a basset...enough said. I don't know if I succeeded or not. 
The color in this photo is not great, so ignore that. Otherwise, anyone have any great constructive criticism?? I would be thrilled to hear from you. Cheers!


  1. I can't think of anything this needs. It is lovely. I think he looks as happy as a Basset possibly could.


  2. I think it is a monumental painting! When I read what size it was, I was amazed that you did it that big (ok, so it is a commission).
    As for suggestions, hard to say without the color being better in photo as you said. IF the background is as neutral as it appears, then a bit more color - green and blue green, would pop his orangy areas even more. BUT I think I'd just call it done. It is really a very good painting.
    I do commission work too...and I get what you said about the poses!

  3. It's a great painting! He looks very dignified and almost regal. I hope your client was pleased :-)

  4. Oh man. He is adorable! I love the Old Masters style you've chosen for this delightful commission.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what you think:)